Introduction of WISTA

About us

About us

WISTA manufactures and supplies innovative and efficient technologies and services for shot blasting, painting, and metallization to domestic and international markets. High productivity and low operating costs are the company's main criteria from in-house development, through the development and manufacturing of the following service.



WISTA  was founded in 1994 in Zlin. Its unique technology is called SOLITON®, specially developed for efficient operation of abrasive blasting booths, its main focus is on higher performance and reduction of operating costs for materials and energy that is used. Our technology has already been installed in 16 countries on 4 continents.

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you'll save with our solution?

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A team of approximately 20 employees works in the departments of production, warehouse, construction, administrative support, rental, service, sales of technology, and spare parts. Regional sales and technical representatives, are ready to consult your needs and support you with service.



WISTA has its own production capacity, which includes workplaces for material cutting, welding, blasting, painting, assembling and testing of abrasive blasters, machines, and technologies. The company also cooperates with selected chain of manufacturers.



Our main product and technology supplier is Axxiom Manufacturing (TX, USA) with SCHMIDT blasting products. We are the only company in Europe that has been licensed to manufacture blast machines under the SCHMIDT brand. 

In addition we work as a exclusive representation for the Czech and Slovak Republics of SAVIM (Italy), manufacturer of energy-efficient painting technologies, and OMSG (Italy), producer of wheel blast machines.


R&D + Certificates

We are constantly working on improving the technology of blasting technology.

Our main goal is to streamline operations.

Over the last fifteen years, a number of innovative solutions have been developed that have contributed significantly to increased reliability, durability and cost-effective operation of todays.

There is practically no element of the abrasive blaster and recovery system, abrasive collection and sorting system that has not been subject of a careful examination and subsequent innovation process.

In cooperation with SCHMIDT (TX, USA), we manufacture and supply traditionally high-quality blasting systems and abrasive control elements.


  • ISO 9001-2014 certified.
  • Authorized manufacturer of pressure blasting equipment
  • Owned - Patents in EU and USA
  • Utility Designs
  • Trademarks WISTA®, SOLITON®, BLAREC®
Certificates and Standardization

Certificates and Standardization

Since 2011 WISTA has held a valid certificate of an established quality management system according to ISO 9001. This certificate confirms that the quality of service we provide to our customers is truly at the highest standard level. Investments in research have resulted in utility models and patent applications.

Training center

Training center

Based on long term experience, acquired knowledge and cooperation with experts, we support education and the transfer of experience for all stakeholders.

In the WISTA Trainig Center (WTC)  at the company headquarters in Zlín, we organise a training programme for operators, maintenance staff and leading management. Participants of the programme obtain theoretical and practical experience to experience in setting and adjustment of blasting technology, its correct, on-time maintenance and receive the needed information on how to achieve and maintain the operating conditions of their machines and Equipment on most efficient way.

For end users and all interested people in education and efficient use of blasting equipment, we organize professional conferences, seminars and roadshows during the year.

News from Facebook

News from Facebook

The WISTA offer also includes double venturi nozzles, which are suitable and highly efficient for blasting at lower nozzle pressures of 3.5 to 5.5 bar.

Care aboutTry increasing the efficiency of your blasting. More at:



Selected brochures, catalogs, and documents are freely available in electronic form and can be downloaded.

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Send us a message or call us directly. Let us know even if you are not interested in the machine and just want to ask a question. We are here for you..

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