Remote management allows communication between the PLC unit installed in the customer's technology and a remote computer. It is a secure connection with the advantage of, for example, easy software updates or optimization of technology parameters without the need for the physical presence of a service technician. This saves not only time but also money for the customer.
SOLITON App is a tool that monitors, collects, evaluates, and displays available data from the PLC programming unit on a PC or, to a lesser extent, on a mobile phone. The manager in charge of the blasting technology has current and long-term (statistical) information about the events in the blast hall available at any time, both in numerical and graphical form. For example, they know to the second exactly how much time each blasting shift has been devoted to blasting, when the blasting machine was switched on, and how long the technology has been idle. It also has an overview of whether the prescribed maintenance interval for the technology is being met. The system automatically alerts the maintenance team, the manager, or an external company, in advance of important service inspections. Any malfunctions are also immediately reported to the manufacturer's service team.
SOLITON App can also monitor the economics and subsequent efficiency of the blast hall over a selected period. Here, data has to be manually entered into the system, such as abrasive quantity, energy consumption, operator's hourly wage, etc. Since 2018, a version is also available where the economics of individual jobs can be monitored, for example, the cost per blasted chassis, including the duration of the entire process.
The app also includes an information section, where you can find basic data for efficient blasting, essential links, and other information.
The SOLITON App is a tool for companies that want to increase productivity in the blast hall. It can compare the economics for different periods and better define parameters to set standards for both the operator and the maintenance of the technology. Equally important is the ability to implement the current status of the job in the future into the company-wide information system via a defined API.