Blasting & painting

Production and sales of innovative and efficient technologies
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WISTA installed a blasting machine in Brazil

WISTA installed a blasting machine in Brazil

WISTA marked another milestone in the company's rich history by conquering the fourth continent, where we successfully installed a continuous blasting machine from the Italian company OMSG for our customer.

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Get to know usWho we are

Specializes in the manufacture and sale of surface treatment technologies with an emphasis on quality, maximum operational efficiency and superior service. We have been on the market since 1994 and our machines can be seen by customers in 16 countries on 4 continents.


How we are differentSolutions

We invest in research and development of our technologies in order to significantly reduce operating costs and increase productivity for domestic and foreign clients thanks to our solutions.


Contact usContacts

Do you need advice, technology, spare parts, rental of a blast machine or just to ask about the next WISTA seminar date?  Call us on +420 577 113 430 or email us at


Our customers

Already during the selection of the blasting box contractor, WISTA acted professionally and we consider the technical solution SOLITON proposed and subsequently implemented by them to be of high quality, reliable and economical. The distance of the company and the service facilities also played a role, where the timeliness of the service intervention plays an important role.

Radomír Pastrňák
Radomír Pastrňák
Radomír Pastrňák

We've been thinking about a blast booth for more than two years. Even though the offer from WISTA was among the most expensive, we were convinced by the fast return on investment, the reference booth we had the opportunity to see and above all the professional, friendly and very action-oriented approach of all WISTA employees involved.

Ing. Antonín Kalaš
Ing. Antonín Kalaš
Managing Director

Experience, references and an innovative product were the deciding factors. Even though our company was in maximum savings mode at the time of purchasing SOLITON and every purchase was carefully considered, we decided to invest in a slightly more expensive technology with low operating costs precisely because we ultimately saved significantly.

Ing. Evžen Bujnošek
Ing. Evžen Bujnošek
project manager
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