Consultation and advice

Our team of experts is ready to consult and advise you on the design of new technology, planning changes, or modifications to existing technology. In our test workshop, customers can test the effect of different abrasive materials or arrange sample blasting on reference equipment. We are also ready to arrange:

  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies
  • Documentation for public consultation
  • Public legal proceedings for the issuance of building permits
  • Implementation documentation
  • Delivery of the equipment to its destination
  • Completion and installation of the delivered technological units
  • Commissioning of the equipment
  • Comprehensive training concept
  • Approval procedure
  • Noise and dust measurements of the technological units
  • Measurement of flow, pressure, and purity of compressed air
  • Initial inspections

Send a non-binding inquiry

Send us a message or call us directly. Let us know even if you are not interested in the machine and just want to ask a question. We are here for you..

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+420 577 113 430
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