Technological audit

Every business decision affects the future of your business. Making the right decision at the right time is critical to a successful business. To make the right decision, it must be based on the right information. WISTA offers a technology audit that includes the following: 

  • Monitoring the current state
  • Finding the causes causing quality deficiencies or making production more expensive
  • Prioritizing deficiencies
  • Focusing the audit on the weaknesses causing the most significant losses of production costs, the resolution of which will have the greatest qualitative or financial effect
  • Comparison of the competence of personnel - blast machine operators and maintenance staff, technological procedures, and technical condition of the equipment
  • An economic evaluation of the current efficiency of the operation
  • Determination of improvement opportunities and target efficiency of the operation

Tryskací hadice v rukách při měření tlaku u tech. auditu.

The output of the technology audit is a report describing the deficiencies and proposing corrective measures. The results of the technology audit are used to design solutions that will improve the technological processes in terms of planned modernization and reconstruction investments. The customer has the opportunity to compare the existing solution with the possibility of integrating advanced technology and equipment that will bring higher capacity, higher product quality, reduced energy costs, and improved environmental impact. Our highly qualified staff carries out the technology audit. Improve the economics of your operation and see how much you can save! Schedule a consultation with one of our experts.

Upon agreement, we perform a FREE TECHNOLOGICAL AUDIT.
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economics of operation

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