SOLITON blasting boxes

SOLITON blasting boxes

SOLITON blasting boxes

New generation of SOLITON blasting boxes

SOLITON blasting boxes are characterized by highly efficient operation, i.e. high blasting productivity at low operating costs. As a result, we can save up to one-third of your current operating costs.

The entire technology is characterized by many design variants so that the final box assembly fully meets the customer's requirements. Thanks to the innovative box design concept, the blasting technology takes up only minimal space next to the boothx. We can even fit into very, very tight spaces.

If desired, you can monitor and evaluate current and historical data on the operation and economy of the blast box on your mobile phone, tablet, or desktop with the SOLITON App. In addition, maintenance alerts are on the recommended time for replacing worn parts or preventive service intervention. Possible faults are also sent online to WISTA. We were the first on the market and are constantly developing our app to provide as much helpful information as possible.

Who is the SOLITON abrasive blasting boothx for?

Primarily for companies that:

  • Care about their long-term operating costs and know that its not worthy to afford to buy cheap but low quality stuff,
  • want to blast with high productivity and process control,
  • prefer modern 21st-century technology, not upgrades from the last century. 


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