The Central Bohemia region is richer with another blasting box for surface treatment from WISTA. Development is still moving forward, and the efficient SOLITON blasting technology, which has unrivaled parameters in low operating costs and high productivity, has also been produced in the SOLITON Compact version.

This has reduced not only the purchase cost of the blast box for end users but also reduced the overall installation time, which again translates positively into a lower initial investment. In this case, the customer did not have to invest in building expensive deep foundations. The sandbox is built on a zero floor with no sub-level foundations.

WISTA manufactures blasting technology that can ensure efficient full-surface abrasive collection even under these conditions.

Do you have an old sandblasting box, or are you considering a new, modern, efficient blasting technology? Do you want to monitor online what is happening in your blasting hall? How economically are you blasting today or over a period of time? What about operation and maintenance? Has she ever been trained, or is she repeating mistakes she "learned" from her predecessors? However, the manager in charge of the sandbox should go to training first and foremost. We have tailored training for this group as well.

Contact us today.

It does not matter if you are based far away from Zlin (Czech Reublic). Our regional sales and technical representatives are ready to visit you and check how efficiently you are operating your existing technology. In addition, they will measure and propose minor or significant modifications to ensure your blasting process running faster and cheaper.

Blasting Booth Parameters:

  • SOLITON steel blasting box
  • Dimension 7 x 4 x 3.5m
  • Compact module for vertical transport, cleaning, and abrasive storage with integrated AXXIOM SCHMIDT blast unit
  • Unilaterally loaded by rail trolley
  • With a full-floor abrasive collection
  • FESTO combined pneumatic drive for floor collection
  • Filtration with HEPA filter for discharge of airborne pollutants into the interior
  • Technology control by SIEMENS PLC unit
  • Installation on zero floor without sublevel foundations
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