Disposal of VOC substances

 Disposal of VOC substances

 Disposal of VOC substances

From a certain limit of the annual consumption of paints, it is necessary to ensure disposal of VOC substances. WISTA offers two options: either VOC capturing on activated carbon or thermal combustion with zeolite concentrator. 

The activated carbon is supplied in cartridges that are placed behind the filtration to ensure impenetrability for paint droplets and dust. The activated carbon absorbs VOCs, reducing their concentration for every cubic meter of air discharged to the outdoor environment. By weighing the cartridge, the saturation and thus the functionality of the activated carbon can be determined. 



  • lower cost compared to investing in an incinerator
  • possibility of regenerating activated carbon cartridges
The initial investment in an incinerator with a zeolite wheel is higher than solution with active carbon, but for larger ot multiply paint shops it is a smart investment that pays off in the long operation periode. The principle is the thermal combustion of VOCs, which are concentrated on a zeolite wheel with the possibility of recovering or regenerating the waste heat.


  • Low operating costs
  • Long service life
  • Low maintenance


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