WISTA installed a blasting machine in Brazil

Fourth Continent humbled

After more than a year of preparation, WISTA installed a CWB 850 4FAC continuous blast machine for our customer in Brazil. This is the third installation in Latin America.

Why wasn't the lower price from the competition the most important parameter? Why did the customer choose a blasting machine from our Italian supplier OMSG, the third largest blasting machine manufacturer in the world?  There were mainly three reasons:

  • Extreme reliability in 24/7 operation,
  • high blasting performance,
  • the top quality of the blasted surface

It is thanks to the extremely high reliability and long experience that WISTA can afford to install this time-tested technology even thousands of kilometres away from Zlín. Regular servicing, availability of spare parts and properly trained maintenance staff guarantee long-term operation without downtime for decades to come.

Basic parameters:

  • 4 throwing wheels,
  • with frequency converters for the speed of the sweep wheels,
  • wire drift conveyor,
  • integrated filter fitted with secondary filtration,
  • automatic refilling of abrasive for blasting,
  • safety gates at machine inlet and outlet,
  • the machine is controlled by a PLC system with touch control.

Tryskací metací stroj ve výrobní hale.


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