


Why buy the device

SCHMIDT® M-Series blasters are the most versatile and can be used with any abrasive media, from baking soda and other fine abrasives to steel grit. One blasting unit for everything! The M-Blaster includes pressure control for both low and high-pressure blasting, with the ability to control pressure independently for the pressure vessel and branch to the Thompson® Valve II metering valve. A vibrator is also included to provide continuous dispensing for very fine abrasives. It comes standard with the abrasive dispensing cartridge used for most blasting jobs. In addition, a tungsten insert can be supplied for larger-sized abrasives.

To reduce dust, blasting with an external misting nozzle is also possible. The M-Blaster is suitable for cleaning all types of surfaces, including wood, glass, or graffiti removal, cleaning facades, historical monuments, etc.



  • Very easy to handle due to its lightweight,
  • allows blasting with soda and very fine abrasives,
  • peak efficiency (low abrasive consumption, higher blasting speed, and low-pressure loss),
  • the fastest return on investment (ROI) for a sandblaster on the market,
  • Repeatedly accurate dosing valve adjustment,
  • Safety,
  • easy operation.


  • the need to provide dry compressed air especially for soda based abrasive media


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