WISTA has successfully completed the installation of a robotic blast box for a Spanish customer in cooperation with a specialized blasting robot manufacturer. The high-performance robotic blasting ensures a minimum of 98% cleaning of the aluminum carriage surface. The remaining part, which may be harder to reach for the robot, is then blasted manually. White corundum is used as the abrasive.

WISTA's blasting technology was chosen primarily for its high efficiency, which guarantees a quick return on investment. All elements of the blasting box are designed to minimize operating costs and maximize the blasting speed while maintaining the required parameters for cleanliness and anchoring profile.

The SOLITON App online monitors the technology's current status and clearly displays dozens of current and historical data. Maintenance is notified in advance when consumable parts need to be replaced, or external service is arranged. Possible faults are also immediately sent to WISTA. The application can also monitor the economics of individual jobs or costs for defined periods.

Remote management allows blasting parameters to be changed or software updated without need of physical presence of service technician.


Basic parameters:

  • blasting box 27 x 7 x 8 m
  • LED lighting 46 pcs (160W and 33W)
  • electrical and pneumatic switchboard
  • 2 x Thomson Valve II dosing valve
  • remote control of blasting parameters from the blast box
  • Pneumatic abrasive rake collection 3 x 29 m + 1 x 9 m
  • rake conveyor with a capacity of 12 m3/h
  • pneumatic vibrating screen
  • cleaning up to 4 fractions
  • abrasive silo with a capacity of 8 m3
  • magnetic separator
  • 3D horizontal handling platform
  • Donaldson DFE 4-80 filtration
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