SG1 R FAC EX1 drum blasting machine

SG1 R FAC EX1 drum blasting machine

WISTA delivered another blasting machine from the Italian company OMSG to a customer near Hradec Králové. This time it was a compact type SG1 R FAC EX1 with integrated filtration. Installation, training and handover took no more than one day.


  • Reliable and quality solution
  • Compact design with integrated EX1 filtration
  • Easy and quick installation

Drum blast machines are mainly used for surface treatment of smaller parts. They find their application in forges, foundries or wherever a large number of small parts need to be blasted quickly.

Do you need a powerful blasting machine to finish your products? Contact our sales department. We will advise you and propose a solution that suits you best. The offer includes, of course, installation and the terms of a service contract, which guarantees that your "thrower" will always be in excellent condition.

Our sales representatives cover locally the entire Czech Republic and Slovakia. Upon agreement, it is possible to arrange a reference visit to our customers where they use the same blasting machine with blast wheels.

Basic description of SG1 R FAC EX1 welding machine

  • with rubber conveyor belt,
  • integrated filter,
  • manual door opening,
  • with secondary filtration and silencer,
  • in a compact design with very easy installation.
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