WISTA, a Czech manufacturer and supplier of innovative technologies and services for surface treatment, has launched another technology for free painting, this time in the Moravian-Silesian region, between the industrial centers of Ostrava and Třinec.

The main advantages of the new paint shop include:

  • Minimal construction work,
  • maximum space for painting and handling equipment.
  • Very favorable price
  • quick installation of the painting technology


Basic parameters of the free painting technology:

  • For free painting with wet paints in two zones
  • Hot water heat exchanger
  • With internal air circulation for extraction
  • Suction / exhaust air volume 22,000 / 33,000m3/h
  • Installed total heat output of 250kW, of which 110kW heat recovery
  • Three extraction walls with three-stage filtration for each extraction zone

To capture VOCs, the exhaust walls are fitted with activated carbon cartridges in quantities corresponding to the planned paint consumption. The recuperation is designed to preheat the incoming outdoor air with the heat of the exhaust air. Installation, including air handling, usually takes no more than a week.

You are considering investing in a new or larger paint booth, perhaps in combination with blasting technology. Are you interested in economics and productivity? Whether your location is Ostrava or another location in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, our regional sales and a technical advisor will be happy to arrange a meeting with you. You will then discuss your current wishes and requirements for a specific surface treatment technology. We will be pleased if you visit at least one reference installation to see the benefits of working with WISTO in surface treatment.

Contact us today.


Mobile: +420 736 480 189;  Email: obchod@wista.cz

facebook youtube +420 577 113 430 CONTACT US
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